We can do your taxes for LESS money out of YOUR pocket! Our Tax Advantage Deal is set up to help you with a down payment on your next vehicle.  If you’re a current customer and want to get ahead/caught up on payments, this is a PERFECT way to do that.  You could even qualify for a cash advance up to $6000!!

Ready to get started?

Things to bring:

  • 1.       Driver license

  • 2 Social Security Cards for yourself, spouse, and dependents (if filing with spouse/dependents)

  • 3.       All income (W2’s, 1099’s, Social Security, unemployment, interest statements, etc)

  • 4.       All deductions (mortgage statements, student loan interest, daycare, business expenses, etc)

  • 5.       Miscellaneous forms (1098-T, IRA, healthcare, etc)


Let us show you why Wholesalecars.com is the OBVIOUS CHOICE!